Jim & Ruth On Tour 06

This blog will contain updates on Jim and Ruths Tour to UK, Greece, Italy and the States through August and September

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Day 42

After a relaxed night it was up before the birds to watch the sunrise over the big pile of rocks known as the Grand Canyon, and learning from last nights temperatures I wore socks with my jandals today, it was cool watching the sun slowly hit the canyon and it made me forget how early it was...well no it didn't it was just after 6. The good thing about the GC is that the park rangers do free talks too, so after going home for breakfast we went back to the south rim (on a stunner of a day) for Ranger Emily to educate us on the people that lived there, and how they survived. Then we took a drive around the south rim catching various views. Not being the outdoorsy, hiking types, driving and looking was about our lot. Recommend getting different persepectives of the canyon as the Desert View and Lipman lookouts were two of the best. Ranger Emily then did an afternoon talk on geology...telling us how GC was created, sounds lame but was rather interesting. If you are ever in the area definately make a stop here.

We then jetted out of Tusayan off on Route 66 via Williams, stopping in Seligman for our best burgers and shakes yet! These run down towns are basically kept going by Route 66 tourists, and the roads are deserted sometimes we'd go 10 minutes without seeing another vehicle, there are definately more bikers doing the roadie. We stopped for the night in Kingman where we stayed at the Hill Top View motel...and here's a great bit of trivia about this place, Timothy McVeigh stayed here before he blew up the FBI building in Oklahoma, cool aye? I asked the receptionist what was going on in Kingman tonight and she says the fair is in town, so off we trotted. It was basically an American A&P show, with a steer auction, kai and rip off sideshows and rides! bought me a kick ass cowboy hat from the Vietnam Veteran's Assoc though.


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